“I feel amazing today” – june 4, 2017

(Please disregard that I am in a bikini top).

I almost never smile with my teeth, because it makes my face look fat(ter). But, I feel good today. I had my feelings really hurt because of something that happened on Thursday, & I was having a REALLY rough time with it.

I felt completely pathetic, used, & worthless.

Last night, I cried some more, but then I started thinking to myself, “Mariah, you deserve better than that. Move on. Stand yourself back up on your feet. You can do this.” I deserve better?! Since when have I ever been that kind to myself?!

I kept repeating good things over & over & over in my mind. “Mariah, you deserve better.” & for the first time in a loooong freakin’ time, I feel amazing today.


Lord of the Rings <3 <3 <3

Watching Lord of the Rings at work before I start this morning. These movies are EVERYTHING. Don’t mind me, just in the break room, tearing up.

These movies relate so much to the gospel in so many ways, and I LOVE it! Soooo much symbolism and beauty. And so, so many beautiful, meaningful quotes. ❤ Agh. Makes me want to watch ’em all. I feel a marathon coming on…


“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

If I were ever to get a tattoo, ^ that is one I would strongly consider.

not my typical blog post.

Something to spice up my blog…haha.

I have an album on Facebook titled, “Soooo….THIS is Online Dating,” where I post interesting conversations and whatnot that I have in my online dating experience. This might be one of my favorites thus far.

“Don’t want to die…I want to workout then get seafood”

online dating.png